
Personal update, September II

Tuesday 20 September 2011|General, Personal

Dear family and friends,

The past two weeks have been an amazing time here on the campus as about 600 people gathered from around the world for the University of the Nations (UofN) workshop. This is an event that happens every two years where leaders within the UofN gather together to receive from the Lord impartation as we discuss direction and vision for the future. For Jackson and myself this was the first UofN workshop we were a part of and it was truly a special time. There was spiritual impartation in the daily devotionals on Colossians, we built relationships with a lot of wonderful new people and then there was also a lot of practical information that we received. One of those things was a module I attended on how to develop new curriculum, which is particularly useful in our preparation for the UofN in Calabar!

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Personal update, September

Saturday 10 September 2011|General

UofN workshop and good news about a car..

Dear friends and family,

The past two weeks have all been in light of preparations for the UofN workshop that will take place Sept 5-11. This workshop is a training where international leaders, trainers, staff and teachers of the University come together to seek the Lord for the future of the University and how to implement the various changes across the globe. This time the workshop is at the UofN campus in Kona and so in the next few days close to 400 people will arrive from many different nations.
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Testimony of Mark Bonasera

Thursday 18 August 2011|General

How I spent my summer vacation 😉

Psalm 115:1 Not to us, O Lord, but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.

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Newsletter March 2011

Sunday 27 March 2011|General, Personal

Our latest newsletter is online: Please note that this is a Dutch newsletter.

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