Personal update November

Wednesday 21 November 2012|General

Dear Friends and family,

Thank you so much for your prayers and support, emails and Facebook, we so love being in touch with you all.
Next week will be Thanksgiving here in the USA and that just reminds me to share with you so much in our hearts that we are grateful for.

This quarter Jackson started his Introduction to Primary Health Care Studies which is a medical training in which they learn all kinds of practical tools and skills they can use in the developing nations when there is no medical help at hand. He really enjoys learning all these topics and I can testify to the
transformation in his personal life as he is now eating “grass” (that is what he previously called raw vegetables and salad). Because the school is quite intense his days are long so we would appreciate your prayers for grace and strength as he presses on for the next 5 weeks. He was recently also allowed to speak in the church on Sunday, where he spoke on the fear of the Lord and what that is and what that is not. It was such a good message, I wish you could all have been there!

Hope Shekinah is thriving as a 1 year and 1 month old and really enjoyed her Princess birthday celebration. She loves to go outdoors and explore all kinds of things. She is always holding rocks, leaves and loves chasing birds and other animals. Sometimes it takes about half an hour to go to a place you
could get to in 5 minutes, because she keeps wanting to go in the opposite direction. Sometimes I really enjoy taking the time for this, but when I’m in a hurry, I have to resort to carrying her . She can say words and a lot of animal sounds, which is very adorable. She reads books to her grandparents over
the Skype and she thinks they live in the computer (each time we on the computer, she points at it and says “Opa”).

Personally I am still working as an assistant to Loren and Darlene as well, this is such a privilege and a great learning experience. Hope still enjoys going to the office and I am able to flex my schedule around her waking hours.

Then as a family we also have some very special news….. we are expecting another baby Ndecheck!! Yes, we are pregnant! The baby is due in June, and we are very excited about this! I have had some nausea and a lot of fatigue, but when I can I try to take my nap with Hope in the afternoons and that
really helps a lot. My husband is also very faithful in getting up early in the mornings so I can just catch those extra minutes before I have to get up. Other than that I’m doing great and all is healthy. The funny thing is that I have had a lot of cravings for Dutch food and have tried to make hand made bitterballen
and zuurkoolstamppot. Today I just received a special package in the mail from a friend that contains Sinterklaas goodies such as choco kruidnoten and chocoladeletters. Yummy! I can’t wait!

Looking forward there will be Thanskgiving, Sinterklaas, Christmas and New Year. A lot of joyful celebrations, and even though they can’t be here with us to celebrate, it makes me grateful we were recently able to visit our families in April-June.

Wishing you a wonderful season of thanksgiving and celebration.


The Ndechecks