Why are you in Hawaii when you want to work in Africa?
We are there for our training at the University of the Nations.
Have you been to Africa yet?
Yes. Jackson worked as a missionary with YWAM Nigeria. Anneke has been to Togo for three months in 2007. They both lived in Cameroon and Nigeria from March 2009 on and worked at YWAM.
What exactly are you going to do in Africa?
This is their mission: To start a Youth With A Mission University of the Nations (UofN) campus in Calabar (Nigeria), where young people will be trained to be the key to change in West-Africa. At this campus young people will be equipped with professional skills in bachelor programs applied to the problems in West-Africa. Besides this they will be stimulated to build a personal relationship with God.
What were the events leading up to your mission?
In January 2009 we were married in a church in Cameroon. For three months we lived there. We wanted to begin our first year of marriage calmly by working in Cameroon and saving money. God spoke to us so clearly after these three months though and said that we should go to Nigeria. We began our training there at YWAM and a vision of the future became clear.
Do you receive salary?
No, we are financially dependent on donations. Nobody who works at YWAM receives a salary. Everyone is responsible for their own support. This makes that the future missionary needs to account for everything he or she spends.
How do you get the money for your training?
From your donations.
Wat is YWAM?
YWAM summarised: “To know Jesus and make Him known”. The organisation is dispersed over 149 countries with about 16,000 missionaries working fulltime (without any payment). Although the activities of YWAM vary among countries, YWAM everywhere practices evangelization, gives practical assistance and aids in teaching.
Want to know more? Check out: www.ywam.org
Wat is University of the Nations?
The UofN is a Christian university consisting of 7 faculties (Arts, Christian Ministry, Communication, Counseling & Health Care, Education, Humanities & International Studies, Science & Technology) dispersed over 110 countries with about 10,000 students a year. In these universities you can choose to follow a complete bachelor program in different countries.
Want to know more? Check out: www.uofn.edu
Wat is SBS?
School of Biblical Studies = inductive bibletraining during 9 months.
When were you married?
Our weddingdate is on the 23rd of December 2008. This was the official wedding which took place in the city hall. We celebrate the wedding that took place in church though: on January 3rd 2009.
What is the time difference between Hawaii and the Netherlands?
It’s twelve hours later in the Netherlands.
How can I make a donation?
Through the Donate now-button
When I make a donation, does it have to be a one-off or can I make regular donations?
Both options are possible. A donation through the website is a one-off. But you can make regular donations by transferring money to this accountnumber: giro 5575044 in the name of Koinonia-FNDS KvdN Vlaardingen. Make sure you mention “Jackson & Anneke”..
Are these donations deductable from taxes?
Yes, they are.